Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Diamonds for Leann's DIQ team!!!

YOU are a very important member to our DIQ team! This means Leann is in qualifications for MK Directorship. This is a life-changing position and will be a huge blessing to her and her family--as well as a chance for each of you to shine and sparkle even more than you already do!!!

Between March 1 and June 30, WHEN your DIQ Team meets the qualifications for Directorship and Leann debuts as your brand new Sales Director, I (Leann Zondag) will reward diamonds to you (either loose or in your consistency club ring) for the following accomplishments:

Add 1 Qualified Team Member= 3 pt. diamond
Earn Red Jacket = 3 pt. diamond
Place wholesale orders of $800 or more in a month = 3 pt. diamond
Earn Star Consultant status by September 15 = 3 pt. diamond

Your team needs to have at least $4000 in production each month and grow from 10 to 24 team members by June 30. Keep checking with Leann, your Future Sales Director, about your progress!!! 

Leann is a woman of incredible integrity, work ethic, and leadership skills. I (Leann Zondag) will be so happy to see you all accomplish this and have Leann as one of my offspring Sales Directors!

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