Meet Your "Sales Director"

Leann Marie Bush

Began my Mary Kay Career: 9/3/2011
"Sales Director" Debut: 7/1/2015
My Life Verse: (Jeremiah 29:11)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
My Life Song:
No matter what women by Becky Fender

My Promise to you:
As you "Future Sales Director," it is my job and honor to help you each become successful in each of your Mary Kay businesses. Remember that you are Independent Contractors and not Employees of Mary Kay. It is my choice to motivate, aid, assist, help, inform, counsel, educate, inspire, & encourage you each individually as my team. I promise to consider or recommend suggestions that would be helpful & beneficial to encourage you in your business. Also consider sharing the Mary Kay Opportunity with other women as I have with you. You never know who is in need of it and what the Opportunity can provide to enriching her life.

My “I” Story

What dream was set free when I signed my beauty consultant agreement? Well, at that point I wasn't doing Mary Kay with a specific dream in mind. I was at first, fighting against peer pressure of joining. After attending a unit meeting with Leann Zondag, I knew that I wanted to join for the flip side of things. I wasn't interested in the large checks, earning cars, and other gifts. I simply was interested in enriching women’s lives. Doing so by making them feel beautiful, important, noticed, and believed in. I believe that my choice of a Mary Kay career can help me in many ways by helping me to identify my best qualities and God given talents. Allowing me to use them to invest my life into others to help them become what they dream to be. My expectations throughout the rest of my MK career, are to push myself beyond limits that I have never pushed. Become the person I know I am made to be. To help other women bloom into the beautiful flower that God intended them to be. Being a Mary Kay IBC, to me, represents the leadership that I know every woman can push themselves to achieve when given the chance. This is MY chance. This is my movement towards final success. Let the SHOW BEGIN!!!!

* My Inspiration *
My supportive husband: Jim Bush (married in 2011)
Our 3 beautiful step daughters: Samantha Kerner, Kirsten Bush, Rachael Bush
Our 2 handsome sons: Dakota Donham, Andrew Donham
Our 3 precious grandbabies: Laynee Kerner, Riley Kerner, Wesley Chote
Not Pictured: Our "soon to be son-in-law" Devin Chote and "new grandbaby" Lillian Chote

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