Sunday, March 8, 2015

Are you an "Advanced Color Consultant" yet?

What does it mean to become an Advanced Color Certified Consultant?

  • Advanced Color Certified Consultant status means that you have taken and completed the Color Confident course! You are more confident in teaching and applying color to your customers!

What are the benefits to being an ACCC?

  • When you complete the course, you have earned the right to call yourself an Advanced Color Certified Consultant! Your customers and potential future customers will see this title and Color Confident logo on your personal Mary Kay website. You also will have permissions to use this logo on your business cards and your facebook page!Talk about credibility! They will have the confidence in YOU that you will provide them with the best look for THEIR face, and the best part is that YOU will have that confidence too!

    **It is recommended that you listen to the Social Media Webinar provided by the company BEFORE you list items on or begin your social media accounts so that you are aware of the Mary Kay Social Media rules and regulations in order to avoid any violations. That webinar may be found on your MaryKayInTouch>RESOURCES>LEGAL>SOCIAL MEDIA WEBINAR**

Ok, so how do I begin?

  • Color Confident logoAdvanced Color Consultant Logo
    Follow these steps to earn the Advanced Color Consultant designation. Once you earn the designation, it will automatically appear on your Mary Kay® Personal Web Site, it will appear by your name in the Consultant Locator, and on Let's Talk. Plus, you'll be able to order special Advanced Color Consultant Mary Kay® business cards through MKConnections. Click here when you're ready to order.
  • Step 1

  • Read each section and watch the videos. (You can start and stop as needed.)
  • Step 2

  • Pass the quiz in each of these sections:
    • Flawless Face
    • Brushes
    • Eyes
    • Lips
    To pass, you'll need to make a 70 or above. Don't worry, you can always take a quiz over if you need to.
  • Step 3

    Ta-da! You're an Advanced Color Consultant!
  • Step 4

    Use the sections called Makeover Basics and Looks to Love to make suggestions to your customers and help increase your color sales! (PS: There are no quizzes associated with these sections.)

  • Click here to begin your Color Confident course TODAY!

Note: You will need to log into your marykayintouch account to access this course. AND DON'T FORGET TO HAVE FUN!

What if my customers or I have additional questions?

  • Questions are great! Click on the FAQ Sheet for more information.

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