"Queen of Recruiting"

             MAYBE SHE              NEEDS ME??
It'd been a long day and I was finishing a task. As I hurried past her, that little voice said, "Ask." Ugh, not today I told myself. I'm tired and it shows. Besides, I could look foolish and it's 
likely she'll say, "No." While drifting off to sleep 
that night, I saw her face again.

Amanda Massey
Team Leader
I wondered what her life was like, her dreams,
her needs, her pain. What if she'd been praying
for a friendly word or smile? What if she'd
     been looking for a break, an open door?
I saw the cars she would never drive,
the rings she'd never wear.
Because I would not risk myself
to stop, to ask, to share. So what if what
 I offered her was not her cup of tea,
that was a choice for her to make,
how selfish could I be?
When all my dreams are realized I
don't want to feel regret for the lives
I didn't touch or change, The, "No's" I didn't get.
 Oh, let me live the true Go-Give,
and let my mission be: Not, "Do I need her?"
...but maybe SHE NEEDS ME

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