
You Can Earn While You Learn

Start Something Beautiful
___1. Watch the “Skin Care Class” dvd provided in your starter kit
___2. Read your “Start Something Beautiful” magazine front to back
___3. Start reading “Miracles Happen” biography provided in your starter kit
___4. Set a date with your Director to discuss inventory options

Placing your first order without all the facts could result in the loss of up to $700 in free products or the possibility of paying full price instead of wholesale price.

Silver Wings Program

                  Go to and log in
8a965303ab1b47d5fb7c599e55ff7d41.jpgClick on “Education”
Go to: Consultant Education=Silver Wings Scholar Program =New Independent Consultant

Complete the Silver Wings Training and receive your “Silver Wings”

MK Business Tools

large-Tool-Box-66.6-17525.png                            Complete all 6 to earn a prize!
___1. Open “Business Account” with a debit card (for placing orders via Intouch)
___2. Order “Business Kit” via MkConnections
___3. Apply “Enriching Women’s Lives” window decal to your primary vehicle
___4. Announce your new business via a “Debut”
___5. Ask your phone company for any available discounts towards your bill as an MK IBC
___6. Develop my “I-Story” and allow your Director to read it

“Bee” Tech-Savvy

Queen-bee.jpg___1. Go to and click on “First Steps”
___2. provide your director your email address that is checked regularly.  
___3. Purchase your personal MK web page for $30.00 via intouch
___4. Download Voxer (FREE app on your smartphone used as a communication tool)
___5. Go to and check out our blogspot
___6. Friend your director on Facebook & join our private unit group (Tenacious P31’s)
Complete all 6 and earn a prize!

Pink Boot Camp

_____1. Complete Pink Boot Camp Class #1
consultant pin.png_____2. Complete Pink Boot Camp Class #2

Complete both classes to graduate from
Pink Boot Camp and earn your MK pin

Perfect Start

     _____1.  _____2.  _____3. _____4. _____5.

Perfect_Start.jpg      _____1.  _____2.  _____3. _____4. _____5.

      _____1.  _____2.  _____3. _____4. _____5.

Earn your Perfect Start Pin when you do 15 faces in 15 days

Power Start

____1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____6. ____7. ____8. ____9.____10.
Power_Start.jpg____1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____6. ____7. ____8. ____9.____10.
____1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____6. ____7. ____8. ____9.____10.

Earn your Power Start Pin when you do 30 faces in 30 days

Power Start Plus
___1. I completed my Power Start by completing 30 faces in 30 days              
power-start-plus-pin1.png___2. My “Qualified Order” of $___________ was placed on ___________
___3. I shared the “MK Opportunity” with 6 women
 1._______________  2._______________  3._______________  
         4._______________  5._______________  6._______________
Earn your Power Start Plus Pin when you do “30 faces in 30 days”, and place your
Qualified order of $600+, and share the “MK Opportunity” with 6 women.

Pearls of Sharing

___1. Add FIRST Team Member
8158865.jpg                      ___2. Add SECOND Team Member
                                          ___3. Add THIRD Team Member

Add 3 Team Members to receive pearl earrings,
bracelet, and necklace.

“Bee” a Red Jacket

___1. Add first “Active” or “Qualified” Team Member
       ___2. Add second “Active” or “Qualified” Team Member
df88d5dfa5ec58593efac63e8d452e73.jpg08082761.gif                ___3. Add third “Active” or “Qualified” Team Member
         ___4. Discuss the “Career Path” with your Director

Add 3 “Active” or “Qualified” Team Members to
receive your RED jacket & Rock ’n’ Red Jewelry Set

Congrats!!!! After Completing all vouchers, you are now well on your way to “Driving Pink” !!!

  • Mary Kay Ash

Place a $600 "qualified wholesale" order and receive our team shirt !!!

"Never underestimate a woman with a prayer and a plan"
*actual shirt color is black & gold*

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