Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Consultant activity 
A Consultant is considered active in the month a minimum $225 wholesale Section 1 product order is received by the Company and in the following two calendar months. If a Consultant does not meet active guidelines, the Consultant is considered inactive at the end of the third non-ordering month. To reactivate her active status, she should submit a minimum $225 wholesale Section 1 order to the Company. She will receive Company mailings as long as her name has not been removed from the Company mailing list. Please note that Section 1 orders of less than $225 wholesale would not maintain or reinstate an active status.

You place and order in April, so now you are active for April, May, and June. However, say you get active in April and then in May you place enough orders that equal $225 too, you will now reactivate your status from May, June , and July.

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