Sunday, April 26, 2015

Need new referrals??? Try this!!!

A facial box or "fish bowl" is a great way to get new leads. Contact local businesses to allow you to set these out. You can make your own or use the one pictured located at

As I begin this journey towards the the top, walk with me, and watch us both grow. I dream to touch as many women's lives as possible, to reach my fullest potential, to "party when I'm at work"... Woohoo!! 
Would you be my "Power Partner" and party with me?
Find a power partner to work your business with!

What is a Team Power Partner? 
Someone who is  in the same place and life and want the same things from an MK business. You'll love it! You'll start challenges with each other to achieve having a few things penciled in your datebooks. Your partnership will be fabulous and your journey to the top will be filled with a lot of fun because you are doing this together. 

New Consultant Power Partner Script
“Hey _________________, it’s _______________, I have exciting news!  I've just started my own business with Mary Kay!  And my first sign of success is to get 3 power partners to do this with me and I immediately thought of you because we always do everything together and you always have my back.  And it’s honestly a perfect fit for you and then we can learn together.  You won't believe how easy it is!  Tell me you'll do it?!?

Great!  Let’s pick a time to get the product on your face right away!”

New Consultant Booking Script
“Hey _______________, it’s _______________, I have exciting news!  I've just started my own business with Mary Kay and I have no idea what I'm doing.  Is there any reason why I can't borrow your face?  You'll get a pampering session and I'll get practice.

My kit will be here on ___________ so I'd like to do _________ or _________.  Which will be better for you?”

(Keep giving 2 options such as: Sunday or Monday, Morning or Afternoon, This week or Next week, 6 or 7 until you have a specific date and time set up.) 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Consultant activity 
A Consultant is considered active in the month a minimum $225 wholesale Section 1 product order is received by the Company and in the following two calendar months. If a Consultant does not meet active guidelines, the Consultant is considered inactive at the end of the third non-ordering month. To reactivate her active status, she should submit a minimum $225 wholesale Section 1 order to the Company. She will receive Company mailings as long as her name has not been removed from the Company mailing list. Please note that Section 1 orders of less than $225 wholesale would not maintain or reinstate an active status.

You place and order in April, so now you are active for April, May, and June. However, say you get active in April and then in May you place enough orders that equal $225 too, you will now reactivate your status from May, June , and July.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Confidence is doing!!! 

Types of learning

Eight ways to feel confident by doing

Taking positive action is a good way to improve your confidence. Taking steps in a new direction will make you feel more in charge of your life and your future. It is also a good way to get to know yourself better.

1. Try new things

Take risks and do new things, even things you feel you might not be good at. If you do better than you expected, you'll feel great; and even if you don't succeed, at least you'll have given it a go. Taking risks and trying new things helps you develop and move forward in life.

2. Take a confidence-building course

You can search a course directory for courses to help you improve your self-confidence. Use the keywords confidence building and assertiveness.

3. Set yourself a challenge

Set yourself a challenge in an area in which you need to gain confidence: talking to people, using the phone to make an appointment, using the computer, for example. The more you try things, the easier you will cope with challenging situations.

4. Stop trying to please

Be confident in your opinions and actions, and be prepared to explain them to anyone who may not agree with you. Don't say what you think others want you to say - be your own person.

5. Learn to say no

Say no clearly, but without being aggressive or rude. Give an explanation, but be firm.

6. Gain confidence from different areas of your life

You can gain confidence in many different ways. You can feel good about yourself because of your job, with friends and family, through voluntary work, or through a hobby you enjoy. Do things that make you feel good in all aspects of your life, then if there’s a problem in one area of your life, you can still enjoy the others.

7. Set goals

Be clear which areas you want to work on and what you want to achieve. Set clear goals you think you can reach. Be prepared to adjust them if you need to.

8. Take small steps

When setting goals break them down into long-term and short-term goals. Short-term goals should be steps leading towards the long-term goals. For instance, your long-term goal could be to change career; your short-term goals could be to research job opportunities, see a careers adviser and improve your skills by doing a course. Taking small steps builds confidence, and makes you feel like you're moving forward.

Ladies... Are you ready for "Tenacious Tuesday's"???
 We meet at the home of 
Jim & Leann Bush
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Please do not write off Monday sucess meetings at Leann Zondag's. 
She is a great teacher and delivers great teaching.
You are most welcome to bring a guest, so please RSVP so I know how many women to plan for.
(325) 203-7689