Monday, May 4, 2015

Seminar 2015 registration

 Starts Today, May 4 for the Sapphire division, with other Seminar divisions to follow. And that's just the beginning of the excitement.
Did you hear? We're moving from the Arena to Hall F at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. That's right. MORE seats and a NEW stage which means a SPECTACULAR Seminar experience for everyone!
In fact, this year our new stage and lighting are being designed by a team who created stunning audio and visual experiences for celebrities like Barbra Streisand, Faith Hill and Madonna! So for now, just imagine what they'll do for us. Then, make sure you get there and see it with your own eyes!
But there's more -- because this is Mary Kay, right?
You will be motivated, educated, entertained and energized!
You could be randomly chosen to receive a $50 gift card if you're wearing your business chic attire on Day 0
Plus, if you register for Seminar 2015, without canceling, you will receive a $70 wholesale/$140 retail credit toward your first Section 1 product order placed from July 26 to Sept. 4, 2015, instead of the traditional product giveaway. This allows you to choose which products you want, and they will be delivered right to your doorstep, meaning you don't have to carry them home! This product credit also supports the Mary Kay Pink Doing Green® initiative.
Contact me if you have any questions @ 325-203-7689. Leann Chapman Zondag will reserve a room for you on her card and you'll pay her back the amount.

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